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Rosemary grows well in most climate regions but tends to suffer in high humidity, so in these places grow it in a pot and move it under cover during wetter times.

Likes: It's Mediterranean so likes lots of sun and warmth. Really good drainage.
Dislikes: Sitting in wet soil, so let it dry out between watering.
When to plant/sow in zone:
How to start: Take a cutting around 10–15cm long. Remove flowers from top and strip foliage from bottom. Dip bottom of cutting in honey or hormone powder, then plant in soil. Water in.
How to grow: Only water when soil is dry (check below surface to about the first knuckle of your finger). Avoid watering leaves to avoid fungal diseases.
When to harvest: Harvest rosemary when it's needed. Regular harvesting or tip pruning ensures good sape and vigorous new growth.
Pests and diseases: Fungal diseases.

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