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Not to be confused with silverbeet, Spinach oleracea  (aka English spinach) is quick-growing and yields sweet, tender leaves.

Likes: Well-drained soil enriched with compost, worm castings or well-aged manure.
Dislikes: Drying out.
When to plant/sow in zone:
How to start: Sow seeds straight into the garden, planting densely into 2cm deep furrows that are 20–30cm apart. As the seedlings emerge, thin them (eating the thinnings) until you're left with spinach plants spaced approximately 20cm apart.
How to grow: Keep plants well-watered and feed weekly with an organic liquid fertiliser.
When to harvest: When plants are about 10cm high use scissors or garden snips to harvest outer leaves, making sure you take no more than a third of the plant so that it can continue to grow and provide an ongoing harvest.
Pests and diseases: Aphids; snails and slugs

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