Grow: persimmon trees
A persimmon tree will add colour as well as fruit to your autumn garden.
Native to China, persimmon trees grow with an upright, spreading habit with large, glossy green leaves that go through all the autumn changes. Like pomegranates, its red fruits hang proud and hang tight even after leaves have fallen.
- Persimmon trees have sensitive roots and don’t transplant well even when dormant. So, it’s best to make a firm decision on where you want your tree before you get started.
- Give it a sheltered spot away from wind, to help branches hold the abundance of fruit they offer. Water regularly for the first two years.
- All persimmon varieties can be harvested when fruits are red but firm, as fruits continue to soften and ripen off the tree. However, when they can be eaten, depends on whether the cultivar is a non-astringent or astringent type.
- Non-astringent varieties, such as ‘Fuyu’ and ‘Jiro’ lose their astringency earlier and can be eaten crisp like an apple, or at various stages of softness. Astringent cultivars such as ‘Dai Dai Maru’ and ‘Hachiya’ will only lose their astringency when the fruit feels like an overripe tomato.