Recent articles by Denis Crawford

Cabbage white butterfly

Denis Crawford looks at the scourge of brassica plants – cabbage white butterfly – and has some tips for dealing with them.

Beneficial insects in your garden

Denis Crawford is a big fan of beetles and says there are many hard at work in our gardens.

Encouraging good wasps in your garden

Despite their fearsome reputations, wasps, with a few exceptions, are pollinators and can help keep pests away. Denis Crawford takes a closer look at some of the goodies.

Get the native bee buzz

Explore the world of native bees and how we can help provide food for them. A good starting point is to see what you can plant in your garden that will attract them to your patch.

Ants – friend or foes

Ants are part of life in Australia, says Denis Crawford, and are very important in the environment.

How to prevent and treat bugs and citrus gall wasp

Denis Crawford suggests organic remedies for the major pests afflicting citrus.