Recent articles by Helen McKerral

Getting your vegie garden started

Starting a vegie patch? Well, there's one very important question to ask yourself. Pick from these answers the one that suits you and your space.

Bushfire recovery: start with the soil

The loss of a much-loved garden during a bushfire can be devastating, but with patience and time you can rebuild. And your soil is a good place to start.

Easygoing cumquats

Although more cold tolerant than other citrus, cumquats still need as much sun as possible, plus perfect drainage.

Training brambleberries

Learn about the juicy world of brambleberries, from boysenberries to youngberries.

How to take a hardwood cutting

Mid winter is a great time to propagate plants from hardwood cuttings, says HELEN McKERRAL.

How to wipe out whitefly

Fight whitefly without chemicals using these homemade sticky traps.