Recent articles by Jessamy Miller

Hemp in action: real-world uses for an eco-friendly material

When it comes to sustainability, it's hard to beat hemp, especially as it has so many practical uses.

Jessamy Miller’s special warming mash recipe

Try this recipe for warming chook mash from our chook expert. It will help keep your chooks happy and healthy.

Keeping your henhouse tidy

When the hot weather starts to wane, it's a good time to set your chooks up for a safe, healthy and cosy cool season.

Introducing master henhouse builder, Dugald Jellie

Everything Dugald Jellie creates, from cubbies to fences to sheds, is made by hand using recycled materials saved from landfill.

How to maximise your hens’ egg production with a balanced diet

If you are dreaming of an achievable and rewarding way to supply some of your own food, you can’t go past keeping laying hens, such as the barnevelder.

Wet-weather proof your poultry

While ducks may enjoy downpours, backyard poultry are not so happy. Our chook expert, Jessamy Miller, has some tips to take care of your feathered friends.

Kerbside recycling tips

Recycling is a must-do but it can be complicated - for those unsure about what to put in the yellow bin, Jessamy Miller has some tips.

Health-boosting plants for your chooks

Jessamy Miller suggests some crops to grow that your chooks will love, but are also good for their health.

A garden for the senses

Jessamy Miller visits Heide Museum of Modern Art, with its rich cultural and plant history and many sensory and food gardens.

Bantams: the small space chook

If you’d love to keep a few low-cost chooks for eggs but have limited space, bantams are the answer, writes Jessamy Miller.

Be aware of toxic kitchenware

Jessamy Miller reports on what to watch out for when choosing cookware so that your pick is better for you and the planet.

How to detox your bathroom

The bathroom is a good place to start when you want to live a greener life, writes Jessamy Miller.