Recent articles by Leanne Croker

Have you considered a natural burial?

Leanne Croker considers how she wants to be buried so the disposal of her remains makes the least impact on the earth.

In conversation with: Costa Georgiadis

Costa Georgiadis's love of gardening is an absolute joy, and it's catching. The best part? He also has heaps of hope for our future.

The beauty and benefits of bird song

Bird song, even in the inner city we can hear a warble or two from the surrounding trees and bushes that brings a smile, especially when those kookaburras start laughing. But they don't just add colour and beauty, they are also good for our mental wellbeing according to recent research, writes Leanne Croker.

Gardening above the fray

The Wayside Chapel rooftop garden is an oasis above the busy city, providing a quiet haven for those who need it, writes Leanne Croker.

Farming for the future

There is a theme running through the work done by Declan McGill and Melissa Charlick at Roly Poly Farm: giving back – to their community and to the property that is now their livelihood.

Urban gardening

Clare and Keith have turned a basic apartment backyard into a vegie-filled urbgarden that supplies them with fresh produce throughout the year.