Recent articles by Leonie Shanahan

Save seeds: radish and rocket

Taste the difference when you save the seeds of these two salad favourites.

Seed saving for the future

Leonie Shanahan looks at why seed saving is so important to our health and food security.

Top tomatoes to grow now!

Queenslander Leonie Shanahan is one of OG’s regular contributors who share their favourite tomatoes and tips from climate zones around Australia.

Get started with pineapples

Growing a pineapple can be as simple as twisting the top off an existing fruit and planting it.

Organic solutions for a changing climate

There's a lot to cope with in the garden when the climate is so uncertain -- and it's not just the plants, we need to watch out for the locals as well. These ideas will help.

White oil spray

Make your own white oil spray to use on sap sucking insects, mealy bug, aphids, two-spotted mite, citrus leaf miner, whitefly and scale.

Create an edible pond

Setting up a pond with edible plants will provide water for wildlife and help cool your garden in summer.

Sprout your own seeds

Sprouts are the powerhouse of super foods. They’re also easy to grow. We show you how.