Recent articles by Phil Dudman

Peachy keen

It's time to prune peach and nectarine trees, writes PHIL DUDMAN. Check out his step-by-step guide.


Keeping it clean with green manures. PHIL DUDMAN explains biofumigation.

The hard graft

Grafting your favourite tomato onto pest-resistant root stock will help eradicate tomato disease, writes PHIL DUDMAN.

Home-made pest remedies

Homemade White Oil Take an empty jar or plastic bottle, pour in a cup of ordinary cooking oil and ¼ cup of dishwashing liquid. Give it a good shake – you’ll see it turn white. That’s your white oil concentrate. Label the container with the correct dilution rate – ‘one tablespoon per litre of water’. […]

Shortcuts to better soil

PHIL DUDMAN outlines a simple time-saving technique for improving soil.

Top Tomatoes

We asked four experts for their favourite tomatoes and tips to growing and cooking them.

Getting started

Anyone can get into organic gardening, says PHIL DUDMAN. Here are his tips on starting out.

A current review of the Australian Garlic Industry

Organic Gardener Magazine contributor Penny Woodward will be one of the many experts speaking at the upcoming Garlic 2013 seminar in September.

Winter warmers

Winter calls for warming, hearty fare – think tasty casseroles filled with just-picked root veggies. PHIL DUDMAN and JULIE RAY share their thoughts.

Coriander pesto

If you love coriander, it’s hard to imagine you could ever have too much in the garden, but when you do, you could turn it into a delicious coriander pesto, writes PHIL DUDMAN.

Stop the rot – how to control pawpaw fruit rot organically

Fruit rots are the curse of organic pawpaw growing. PHIL DUDMAN suggests some simple organic controls and cures.