Recent articles by Simon Webster

The future is organic

One organic farmer has been very successful with his organic chickens and the bonus is the Maremma sheepdogs that watch his flock.

Ethical investing

How can ethical investing practices such as divestment from fossil fuels help you and the world?

Make your home an eco-friendly haven

Renovations large and small can make your home a more eco-efficient, healthier and happier place.

In conversation with…

Simon Webster chats with organic farmer and author Michael Ableman about the healing power of growing food.

How to save seeds

As seed company ownership tightens, now's the time to learn how to save your own seed writes Simon Webster.

When more is less

The more the land, the more ambitious Simon Webster’s gardening vision became.

The accidental gardener

Simon Webster cottons on to a new way of gardening – expect the unexpected – at Plot Farm.

Coffee: grow, harvest, process

Yes, you can grow coffee in Australia. Simon Webster explores the growing, harvesting and processing of coffee.

Biochar explained

Simon Webster investigates biochar and reveals Peter Cundall's method for making it.

Bite into watermelons

Get sticky exploring the world of watermelons with Simon Webster, who names his top choices for your patch.

Say no to plastic bags

Plastic bags are a whale of a problem for the environment, writes SIMON WEBSTER.

The truth about glyphosate

It is a globally used herbicide but the UK Soil Association is questioning its safety, writes SIMON WEBSTER.