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Discover Australia's diverse pollinators

Discover Australia’s diverse pollinators

Australian Pollinator Week runs from November 11-19, and it's all about understanding pollinator diversity.

What better time to celebrate the diverse population of pollinators we have here in Australia than in the month of November, when spring is still in the air! And what better way to celebrate than a week filled with opportunites to learn and share ideas, and that would be Australian Pollinator Week held from November 11-19. It’s a chance for communities, businesses and organisations to come together to raise awareness of the importance of pollinators and support their needs.

This year, the spotlight isn’t just on the famed honey bees but on the unsung heroes of our gardens: beetles, butterflies, moths, native bees, and even the humble flies. These diligent creatures, often overlooked, play a pivotal role in the intricate dance of pollination.

Dr. Megan Halcroft, a native bee connoisseur, founded the festival to illuminate the myriad pollinators that bolster our food systems and enrich our biodiversity. “By nurturing these tiny pollinators, we’re essentially cradling the entire web of life,” she reflects.

From 11th to 19th November, the festival will buzz with activities. Pollinator Picnics, art sessions, and bee-friendly gardening rendezvous are just the beginning. The 2023 Pollinator Photography Competition is encouraging everyone to get out and capture bees and other pollinators in their local environment, whether it’s in an urban garden, park, school, on a nature strip or on a farm.

A special highlight is the Australian Pollinator Count, an important initiative to understand our pollinator diversity. Citizen scientists across Australia can register to help researchers better understand the plight of Australia’s insect pollinators, providing important data for researchers and scientists to improve their understanding of the changes in insect abundance and diversity nationally and over time.

If you’re keen to be part of this blooming movement, you can register your events and learn more here:

Learn more about pollinators for your garden here.