How to pollinate zucchini plants

How to pollinate zucchini plants

The only tricky aspect of growing zucchini can be ensuring plants are pollinated and so produce the fruit that's a kitchen staple year round. These tips from Penny Woodward will help.

Soil pests and diseases can accumulate in a bed if the same crop is grown repeatedly.

How to put in place a crop rotation plan

Whether simple or more complex, it’s good to have a crop rotation plan to avoid pest and disease build up, writes Justin Russell.

Any herbivore manure makes a great soil conditioner.

Which manure is best?

Asking yourself whether chook poo or that bag of horse manure a friend has offered you for free is what you need? Consider these points first.

Picking your own fruit fresh from a tree is one of the top gardening joys.

Plan for the future: grow fruit trees

Honey and Leonie Atkinson transformed a patch of kikuyu grass into a thriving orchard, here's their planting advice to help you have your own bumper fruit harvest.

A juvenile eastern spinebill uses its curved beak to access nectar in kangaroo paws.

How to bring more birds into your garden

Georgia Angus looks at the vital role insects play in supporting native birds and how you can plant to attract more bugs, and so more birds, to your backyard.

Don't throw that old milk out, you can use it on your garden.

Don’t cry over out-of-date milk & other tips

Our experts have some simple solutions to help you grow your harvest organically.

As soon as you stop digging the soil starts to repair itself.

Join the no-dig revolution

There's a growing number of gardeners who have hung up the spade and adopted the no-dig approach. Phil Dudman explains why.

Red wrigglers are the best worms to use.

Worms in small spaces

Not everyone has a backyard with space for a compost or worm farm, but these ideas from Kate Flood will work on a benchtop or balcony.

Guano is a word that originates from the Andean indigenous language, and means, “the droppings of seabirds”.
Build your garden

From seabirds to soil: the use of guano to boost soil health

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Guano is a natural fertiliser that, once harvested, can be processed sustainably. The result? A soil additive that provides essential nutrients for plants.

With a bit of prep work you'll have a bountiful garden this summer.

Your end of spring to-do list

Before spring ends and the worst of the heat arrives, take some time to prepare your garden for a successful summer, writes Angie Roach.

Sophie Thomson's mini wicking beds in old washing machine drums.

Small container wicking beds

ABC Gardening Australia’s Sophie Thomson was sceptical about wicking beds but now has 22 and is a convert, saving huge amounts of water, and time, in her vegie garden.

Raising your own seedlings is a great skill to have as an organic gardener.

Success with seedlings

If you think raising your own vegies from seed is too hard, or you’ve tried it with limited success, don’t give up! Phil Dudman is here to offer some help. 

Plant support frames help with the organisation of your garden.

Grow more with climbing frames

Build up to help you grow more in a limited space, care for your plants better and get higher returns at harvest time, writes Phil Dudman.

Chicken can help keep garden beds tidy.
Bees, poultry & livestock

Health-boosting plants for your chooks

Jessamy Miller suggests some crops to grow that your chooks will love, but are also good for their health.

Elemental sulfur corrects sulfur deficiencies and  lowers soil pH.

Does your soil pass the test?

Knowing which nutrients are in short supply (or oversupplied) can help you take a more targeted approach to fertilisers that you add to your soil.