It's a good idea to have a few punnets of seeds on the go.
Build your garden

Planting in punnets

Starting vegies in punnets will mean you have crops ready to plant out, no matter the season or conditions. Here's how.

Brassicas like cauliflower can be started in punnets then transplanted.
Organic solutions

Prepare your patch for the cool season

Autumn is the time to turn our attention to planning and prepping our winter garden.

As soon as you stop digging the soil starts to repair itself.

Join the no-dig revolution

There's a growing number of gardeners who have hung up the spade and adopted the no-dig approach. Phil Dudman explains why.

Seedlings growin in multicell punnets.
Build your garden

Top tips for making the most of your garden’s growing potential

Armed with a bunch of clever techniques and ideas, it’s easy to maximise your garden’s potential and enjoy an abundant supply of fresh, organic, homegrown produce all year round.

Spreading mulch to protect plants.
Build your garden

The importance of using mulch and saving seeds

If you are an Organic Gardener reader, you know there are many essential tools we like to use in our gardens. Mulch is one of them, as is saving seeds. Here's why.

Know your stuff - Organic Gardening glossary

Know your stuff – Organic Gardening glossary

Our glossary of organic gardening terms is a useful reference for all gardeners, from novices to the experienced.

Watering tomatoes via a PVC pipe stuck in the ground.
Build your garden

Taking care of tomatoes in the heat

Here’s a simple tip for directing water deep down to the roots of tomatoes.

Bountiful summer harvest of fresh vegies.
Build your garden

Get your garden started with this simple idea

Just beginning your gardening adventure? Read on for tips to get a garden bed up and running.

ABC Organic Gardener's free ebook
Build your garden

Grow fresh herbs with our FREE guide

Herbs are relatively easy to grow, will save lots of money and don’t take up much space – get growing today!

A tray of paper pots with small seedlings growing in them.
Build your garden

Why won’t my seedlings grow?

Our horticultural experts answer a common question for gardeners who are trying to start their plants from seed: why won't my seedlings grow?

Plant support frames help with the organisation of your garden.
Build your garden

Grow more with climbing frames

Training plants up a climbing frame will help you grow more in a limited space and get higher returns at harvest time.

A fruit tree that has been trained or espaliered to save space.
Build your garden

How to maximise your garden space

Maximise the space available in your garden so you can enjoy an ongoing supply of fresh produce.