Any herbivore manure makes a great soil conditioner.

Which manure is best?

Asking yourself whether chook poo or that bag of horse manure a friend has offered you for free is what you need? Consider these points first.

Red wrigglers are the best worms to use.

Worms in small spaces

Not everyone has a backyard with space for a compost or worm farm, but these ideas from Kate Flood will work on a benchtop or balcony.

Elemental sulfur corrects sulfur deficiencies and  lowers soil pH.

Does your soil pass the test?

Knowing which nutrients are in short supply (or oversupplied) can help you take a more targeted approach to fertilisers that you add to your soil.

A good harvest starts with healthy soil.

Start with your soil

Early autumn is a good time to take a close look at your soil and do some prep work for your new crops, writes Penny Woodward.

Chooks take vegie scraps and turn them into a valuable garden product.

Chook poo power

Jessamy Miller dishes the dirt on chook poo so you can make the most of it in your garden.

walk on board

Wet soils

Like many gardeners, Penny Woodward's soil is rather sodden at the moment, and she's being very careful not to tread on it.

We can store carbon in our soil and so help combat climate change.

Improve your soil, help the planet

Linda Cockburn believes gardeners have a crucial job to do, storing carbon in their soils. It will help with your harvest, as well as helping stave off the worst effects of the climate crisis. 

Bushfire recovery: start with the soil

Bushfire recovery: start with the soil

The loss of a much-loved garden during a bushfire can be devastating, but with patience and time you can rebuild. And your soil is a good place to start.

The fertiliser you use will depend on what your soil needs.

Animal-free fertilisers

Karen Sutherland outlines the fertiliser and soil amendment options for vegan gardeners or those who are looking for ways to reduce animal dependence.

Dianthus and sage.

Growing in sandy soils

A few gardeners are blessed with deep, rich, textured, fertile soil. But what if you aren't? Penny Woodward has some ideas to help.

Saturated Soil

Restoring sodden soil

JUSTIN RUSSELL explores some gentle techniques to help restore your wet, wet, wet soil.

Wonderful worms

Wonderful worms

Recycling kitchen scraps through a worm farm provides valuable worm castings and juice to improve garden soil and plant growth, writes Jessamy Miller.

taking a soil sample for testing

Testing times

Soil testing in the Patch from Scratch backyard revealed the extent of environmental contamination in our cities, writes JACQUELINE FORSTER.

Toadstool or mushroom

Fungi facts

PENNY WOODWARD says it is good to look after most of the fungi growing in your garden.

Wheelbarrow with compost

Growing in sand

Sandy soils, says PENNY WOODWARD, can be challenging for gardeners.