CSIRO soil grid

What lies beneath

Curious about what's beneath your feet? JUSTIN RUSSELL excavates a brilliant new CSIRO soil mapping tool.

Black biochar

What is biochar?

PENNY WOODWARD explains biochar and how it can be used.

7 keys to healthy soil

7 keys to healthy soil

Healthy soil is the cornerstone of organic gardening. TIM MARSHALL reveals the keys to ensuring your soil is at its bests.

Easy composting

Shortcuts to better soil

PHIL DUDMAN outlines a simple time-saving technique for improving soil.

Creating Tilth

How to create tilth

Ever heard a gardener talk about something called “tilth” and wondered what on earth they were on about. JUSTIN RUSSELL offers a definition and explains how to create soil that's ready for spring seed sowing.

Worm Farm

Education of a worm farmer

After his first worm farm was transformed into an invertebrate iceblock by a black frost six years ago, JUSTIN RUSSELL decides to have another go after discovering a worm farm kit at the back of his shed.

Jerry’s clay soil fix

Jerry’s clay soil fix

When he moved from the UK to Australia it took him five years to improve the clay soil in his Brisbane garden. This is how he did it.

Green Manure

Time to build healthy soil

Late winter is the perfect time to build healthy soil. JUSTIN RUSSELL writes about composting and using green manure.

How to make your own seed raising mix

How to make your own seed raising mix

Raising seedlings is an important part organic vegetable gardening and to do it well, you need a quality seed raising mix. There’s no need to be spending good money on commercial product when you can make your own for less, says PHIL DUDMAN

Dutch Cream Potatoes

Biochar Experiment – An Update

Biochar has the potential to revolutionise gardening in a post carbon world. JUSTIN RUSSELL provides an update on an experiment using the product in his vegie garden to help grow a bumper crop of spuds.