Permaculture Providers

Annemarie and Graham Brookman have spent 30 years creating a remarkable permaculture property near the Barossa Valley that produces more than 160 varieties of fruit, vegetables and nuts, and provides a working model for sustainable living, writes SIMON WEBSTER.

Beautiful by design

Garden designer Steve Hailstone has combined beauty and functionality to create a wonderfully productive property, writes SIMON WEBSTER.

Tassie Tales

We catch up with LINDA COCKBURN and family on their quest for a self-sufficient lifestyle on the Apple Isle. Their owner-built house – being made without the use of concrete, PVC or chemical finishes – is progressing well.

The best backyard in Australia

Dennis and Marilyn Ryan grow native foods and organic citrus on their property near Macksville (NSW), but caring for the valuable wetland that laps their backyard is just as big a passion.

The key to sustainable farming

Organic farmer and author, Michael Ableman, wants to see honour return to the art of farming, and every local community growing food.