Renewable energy breakthroughs

Dr. REESE HALTER reveals some of the technological, social and farming breakthroughs that will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Glyphosate linked to cancer

The World Health Organisation's cancer agency describes glyphosate as a probable carcinogen, JUSTIN RUSSELL reports.

Garden of knowledge

KYLIE MCGREGOR profiles Kindlehill School and its ever-evolving gardens.

Secret treehouse

If you go down to the woods today you're in for a big surprise, writes JACQUELINE FORSTER.

Treating head lice

With the incidence of head lice on the rise, KYLIE McGREGOR looks at the shift towards chemical-free treatments.

Herbicide alert

It’s crucial to know the source of manure or mulch you use says PENNY WOODWARD.

The allergy epidemic

KYLIE McGREGOR looks at the sudden rise in childhood allergies, in particular food allergies, and ways to reduce the risks.

How to control ants organically

Ants can be a real nuisance inside the home, but there’s no need to use highly toxic insecticides to control them, writes PHIL DUDMAN. Read on for some simple organic ant control strategies.

Organic strategies for household pests

It’s one thing to be organic outside in the garden, but all too easy to slip into conventional thinking inside the house. JUSTIN RUSSELL outlines some basic strategies for organic pest control around the home.

Peter Cooper’s cider making

Peter Cooper, of Wychwood Nursery in Tasmania, provides information for those thinking about home cider making.

Waste not want not

Food wastage has been an issue for a long time, SIMON WEBSTER reports.

10 Top Reasons for Going Organic

If you’re not already convinced, here are PHIL DUDMAN’S top 10 reasons for growing your own organic food. Spread it around!