Organic solutions

Anniversary of the Luddite Uprisings

What do you know about the Luddites? Other than the insulting term applied to someone who doesn't have a smart phone or tablet computer, the Luddites have a more in common with organic gardenering than you might think. On the eve of the 200th anniversary of the first Luddite Uprisings, JUSTIN RUSSELL revisits some true radicals.

Organic pioneer calls it a day
Organic solutions

Organic pioneer calls it a day

Retiring sheep and wheat farmer Alan Druce was organic well ahead of his time, reports SIMON WEBSTER.

Organic Watermelon Frame
Organic solutions

Organic Watermelon Frame

Small spaces won’t stop PHIL DUDMAN from growing his favourite organic crops. This week it’s watermelon!

Steaming Compost
Organic solutions

Encouraging Aerobic Bacteria

A failed wastewater system reminds JUSTIN RUSSELL about the importance of aerobic bacteria in decomposing organic waste.

Soap and oil spray on garlic aphids
Organic solutions

Homemade organic sprays to kill aphids on garlic

The sap-sucking pests didn't know what hit them, writes SIMON WEBSTER.

Organic Apricots
Organic solutions

Popular Garden Chemical Suspended

Dimethoate, a popular but toxic chemcial commonly used in home gardens has been suspended for use by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority. JUSTIN RUSSELL reports.

Cubbies too cool for school
Organic solutions

Cubbies too cool for school

Cool Cubbies are enough to make big kids green with envy, reports SIMON WEBSTER.

Purple caulis a bright idea
Organic solutions

Purple caulis a bright idea

SIMON WEBSTER uncovers a brassy brassica.

Biochar Vegie Bed
Organic solutions

Using biochar in the garden

In a previous post, Simon Webster reported on a proposal to build Australia's first electricty producing biochar plant. In this follow up post JUSTIN RUSSELL gives a run down on how you can use biochar in the garden.

Australia to get first biochar plant
Organic solutions

Australia to get first biochar plant

 Biochar could be good news for farmers, gardeners and our climate, reports SIMON WEBSTER. 

Permaculture gets posh
Organic solutions

Permaculture gets posh

A new permaculture group has taken over a luxury retreat, reports SIMON WEBSTER.

Aussie garden is young and free
Organic solutions

Aussie garden is young and free

The Australian Garden is now free to visit, reports SIMON WEBSTER.