Baby Orange is a compact gum that would suit a smaller space.
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Compact gum trees for small spaces: Corymbia ficifolia

You don't need to have a huge backyard to grow a gum tree, writes Karen Sutherland. One of her favourites for small spaces is Corymbia ficifolia.

The everlasting daisy is a short-lived, native perrenial.
Flowers, shrubs & trees

A blooming summer

Grow these beautiful blooms to attract pollinators to your garden and fill your patch with summer colour!

Great yellow cornflower
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Spring floral beauties

Looking for flowering plants for your spring garden? Justin Russell suggests adding these four bright blooms - they'll bring both colour and pollinators to your patch!

Eliza Henry-Jones picking flowers in her dahlia patch.
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Hooked on flowers

Eliza Henry-Jones grows seasonal bee-friendly blooms on her organic flower farm. Here's two of her favourites to add to your own garden. 

Flowering callistemons are insect magnets
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Top native trees

Helen McKerral suggests some small native trees that will fit into most gardens, attracting birds and insects with their colourful flowers.

Hellebores are also called winter roses.
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Tips for growing hellebores, also called winter roses

Hellebores love shade, thrive in frosts and have glorious flowers that appear right through winter into spring, writes Penny Woodward.

Nasturtiums (Tropaeolum majus)
Flowers, shrubs & trees

7 uses for nasturtiums in your garden and kitchen

Nasturtiums are one of the easiest multi-function plants you can grow, writes Jian Liu – a bright addition to any space.

A Silvereye.
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Bring in the birds

Libby Woodward tells how she and her husband redeveloped a section of their garden with native understorey plants designed to draw in insects, birds and wildlife.

Elder flowers
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Elder trees

These trees have been associated with magic and witchcraft for a long time, explains Penny Woodward.

You can mix up different varieties of zinnias for a colourful garden.
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Plant colourful summer zinnias

Looking for an easygoing plant that doesn’t mind the heat of summer and does equally well in sprawling gardens or containers on balconies? Zinnias are the answer. 

A mix of 'Picote' and 'Purity' cosmos flowers.
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Growing cosmos flowers is easy!

The versatile cosmos, part of the sunflower family, is a generous and easy addition to your patch, writes Eliza Henry-Jones.

‘Souvenir de la Malmaison’ is a Bourbon rose created in 1843 by Lyon-based rose breeder, Jean Beluze.
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Old-fashioned aromatic roses

Don't be put off by the stark look of bare-rooted rose trees. As Eliza Henry-Jones explains, the colder months are the time to plant them to ensure success.

Aquilegia vulgaris 'Double Pale Blue' by Helen McKerral
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Grow bee-attracting aquilegias

Helen McKerral has long been captivated by the bonnet-like, bee-attracting aquilegias.  

From garden to plate – borage, heartsease, calendula, nasturtiums, dill and cornflowers.
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Growing edible flowers in your garden

Edible flowers add a colourful spark and fresh flavour to dishes, are the basis of health-giving teas, and create delicious cordials and preserves, writes Karen Sutherland.

The electric hued blue native, Lechenaultia biloba.
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Blooming blue flowers!

Although blue flowers are relatively rare, they are well worth searching out, writes Helen McKerral, adding beauty and colour to your garden.