Aloe vera and other skin herbs
Penny Woodward explains how to use aloe vera and two other herbs for your skin.
Heartwarming heartsease
In medieval times, Penny Woodward explains, heartsease was used in love potions.
Colourful flowers to plant this spring
It's hard to pick favourites when it comes to flowers, but this gorgeous blossom is at the top of the list for spring.
Succulent sweet corn
Put your water on to boil, says Penny Woodward, before picking your sweet corn.
Easygoing cumquats
Although more cold tolerant than other citrus, cumquats still need as much sun as possible, plus perfect drainage.
Tree marigold
Flowers provide bright splashes of colour for many months these bright blooms smell amazing, too!
The sweetest thing
Did you know you can grow stevia in your garden? Stevia rebaudiana is a tender perennial that grows best in humid, wet environments.
Edible flowers
Edible flowers add colour and texture to your patch and flavour to your cooking. You can start with borage, marigolds and violets.
How to grow beetroot
Beetroot comes in a variety of colours and shapes: there is much more to this vegie than the standard red/purple types. You can also grow it yourself.
Herb hedges you can grow yourself
Lavender can planted so that it makes a hedge that will provide a beautiful scent as well as nectar for pollinators.