Wondrous wallflowers
You can't go past deliciously scented wallflowers for your spring and summer garden.
Apple of Peter’s eye
In Australia we can grow heritage apple trees from the subtropics to the snow, although most varieties grow and fruit better in cooler regions. Here's some favourites to try.
Corn fights back
The world of heirloom corn is worth investigating so you can grow them in your own backyard.
What to plant in July
Depending on your climate, July's either a great month to plant vegies, or a time to hibernate.
Shungiku (chop suey greens)
Have you tried this interesting, flavoursome and nutritious plant, asks Penny Woodward.
Roses of yesteryear
Penny Woodward investigates roses of yesteryear, and lists her top picks.
Tough, rewarding asparagus
Penny Woodward says to look out for asparagus crowns to plant soon.
How to prevent and treat bugs and citrus gall wasp
Denis Crawford suggests organic remedies for the major pests afflicting citrus.
Subtle, charming chervil
A basket of chervil seeds was found in Tutankhamun’s tomb, says Penny Woodward.
Pea shoots and leaves
Autumn is prime pea-growing time, not just for pods but for shoots as well. Justin Russell has the lowdown.
Spring to it
Virtually pest free and great companion plants, spring onions are a tasty addition to your patch says Penny Woodward.
Foraging and growing your own fungi
Fungus expert and photographer Alison Pouliot explores these tasty morsels.