Gardening tips to beat the heat

Water is the key to helping the plants in your vegie patch thrive during the hot months, so follow these easy to implement ideas and help your plants survive.

Grow these summer-proof leafy greens

Here are three leafy greens that you can plant today. They thrive in the heat and will provide nutrient-dense salads, pasta, pastries and more.

Fennel forever

Grow fabulous fennel with these expert tips – it has a wide range of uses in the kitchen. Plus, a recipe for fennel butter.

How to grow organic eggplant

Eggplant is the perfect summer crop for organic gardeners, but it doesn’t come without its challenges.

Easy-to-grow crops: lettuce

Growing your own lettuce will give you a fresh supply of summer salad ingredients that will be tasty and nutritious!

Edible natives: lilly pillies

This popular native plant is easy-to-grow with colourful edible fruits, just pick the right species to suit your garden space.

Grow nasturtiums

Nasturtiums are one of the easiest multi-function plants you can grow, writes Jian Liu – a bright addition to any space.

Cabbage white butterfly

Denis Crawford looks at the scourge of brassica plants – cabbage white butterfly – and has some tips for dealing with them.

Control aphids and pear slugs

The fresh growth of spring is a time for pesky pests to be out and about. Here's what to do if you find aphids or cherry and pear slugs.

Five tips to ensure tomato growing success

With the right care, these juicy, flavour-packed fruits can thrive in your garden, providing fresh produce all season long. These five organic growing tips will get you started.

Compact gum trees for small spaces: Corymbia ficifolia

You don't need to have a huge backyard to grow a gum tree. One favourite for small spaces that you can try is Corymbia ficifolia.

Cucumber: a salad essential

Fresh cucumbers straight from the garden are the best! These tips will help you grow this summer salad essential.