Young Violetta artichoke flower buds
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Edible ornamentals

Good looking and tasty. Could we call these edimentals? PENNY WOODWARD investigates.

Cretan thyme
Herbs & spices

It’s time for thyme

Ground-cover thymes can be tough and versatile in the garden, says PENNY WOODWARD.

Watermelon crop
Fruit & nuts

Bite into watermelons

Get sticky exploring the world of watermelons with Simon Webster, who names his top choices for your patch.

Paralysis tick
Pests & diseases

Itchy and scratchy

'Tis the season for mozzies and ticks. Try these helpful plants to take the sting out of their bite, writes PENNY WOODWARD.

What to plant

The best of basil

There's more than one basil for your kitchen garden. Why not branch out and try a few different kinds?

November planting
What to plant

What to plant in November

With November just around the corner, JUSTIN RUSSELL introduces you to a month of planting for abundance.

Exclusion Bagging
Pests & diseases

How to control fruit fly

JUSTIN RUSSELL suggests ways to keep destructive fruit fly at bay so you can enjoy your organically grown fruit.


Getting the best from your tomatoes

With tomato season in full swing, PENNY WOODWARD has gathered growing and seed-saving advice for wherever you live in Australia.

Terracotta sunflowers
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Stunning sunflowers

With the weather warming, PENNY WOODWARD says to plant sunflowers now.

Super fruit: capsicums

The mighty capsicum

JUSTIN RUSSELL gets to the seedy heart of capsicums and comes to the conclusion we'd be 'stuffed' without them.

Eggplant harvest
What to plant

Planting tips for October

In many areas, October has bid farewell to spring but hasn't fully welcomed summer. JUSTIN RUSSELL shares his tips on what to plant now. 

Young garlic sprouts

Grow garlic sprouts

Run out of garlic? PENNY WOODWARD suggests growing garlic sprouts.