Bright red and yellow tamarillo
Fruit & nuts

Tangy tamarillo

These fruit are worth growing just for their vibrant colours says PENNY WOODWARD

Coloured carrots.

Carrot crops

No matter where you live, PENNY WOODWARD says that carrots can be planted now.

Tomatoes of different colour

Tasty tomatoes

With tomato havest in full swing PENNY WOODWARD says now is the time to try some different cultivars.

Red succulent, sedum
Flowers, shrubs & trees

Succulent sedums

Sometimes we forget about the tough, hard working plants in our gardens, says PENNY WOODWARD

Sweet Basil
What to plant

What’s summer without basil?

There's a good case for growing a big patch of basil in the summer garden, especially if you love this herb.

Pyrethum daisies
Pests & diseases

Pyrethroid pesticide warning

PENNY WOODWARD asks how safe are our ‘safe’ insecticides?

Fruit & nuts

An abundance of blackberries

An epic blackberry crop has JUSTIN RUSSELL convinced that growing your own food is about abundance, not scarcity.

Yellow button flowers of santolina
Herbs & spices

Sun-loving santolina

PENNY WOODWARD says grey-leafed plants like santolina thrive in hot, dry weather.

Morello Cherry
Fruit & nuts

Have a very cherry Christmas!

Christmas wouldn't be complete without cherries, but for a sour twist, JUSTIN RUSSELL suggests trying Morello cherries.

Dill flower
Herbs & spices

Dill is for digestion

This ‘gallant expeller of wind’ eases indigestion caused by Christmas fare, says PENNY WOODWARD.

Multi coloured and shaped pumpkins

Heirloom pumpkins

PENNY WOODWARD reminds us that it's not too late to plant pumpkins to ensure a good supply for winter.

Bright orange turmeric
Herbs & spices

Why not try turmeric?

Turmeric is easier to grow than ginger, says PENNY WOODWARD, and has many varied uses.