Tips for growing the best organic beetroot
Spring is the primetime for planting beetroot right across Australia. Phil Dudman shares his organic planting and growing tips.
Purple Haze
After six months of nurturing, JUSTIN RUSSELL finally gets the chance to harvest Purple Sprouting broccoli. Was it worth the wait?
Growing organic cucumbers
Cucumbers are easy to grow organically and don’t need much room, and now’s the time to get planting, even in cooler areas, says PHIL DUDMAN
Asparagus Season
It’s asparagus season, and JUSTIN RUSSELL sings the praises of one the most delicious vegetables of spring.
A berry good year
PETER CUNDALL provides a quick guide to growing juicy berryfruit. “Here are the methods I use to grow great crops of different types of hardy berryfruit - raspberries, loganberries, jostaberries, blackcurrants and strawberries, to name a few.”
To Chit, or Not to Chit?
To chit or not to chit? That is the question for home growers at this time of the year, so JUSTIN RUSSELL explains the process of chtting, and outlines its benefits.
The Solution to Citrus Problems
What's wrong with my citrus tree? JUSTIN RUSSELL says that this is the most common question asked of garden writers, but the solution is simple. Read on to find out what it is.
Protecting vegies from the cold
As July temperatures plummet, PHIL DUDMAN shares some tips for safeguarding sensitive crops.
Ripe for the Picking
Knowing when to pick a crop of fruit is a vital skill for home growers to learn, writes JUSTIN RUSSELL.
Bright Lights of Winter
Why settle for drab greens and greys in the winter vegie patch, asks JUSTIN RUSSELL, when you can grown plants with as much colour as a Ken Done painting?
Growing aromatic, old-fashioned quince
And, so you’ll know what to do with your quince harvest, here’s a fabulous Sally Wise recipe ’Quince Cheese’, typically served with a cheese platter, from her latest book Sweet! Sally is the best-selling author of numerous ABC books, including A Year in a Bottle, Slow Cooker and SlowCooker 2.
Keep it Clean
Good garden hygiene is paramount to reducing the incidence of pests and diseases, writes PHIL DUDMAN.