Grow your own root vegies for winter
Karen Sutherland suggests some super-nourishing root vegies for you to plant during this winter from carrots to sugar beets
Grow your own wasabi
Growing wasabi means you have this spicy food flavouring ready to be harvested in your own backyard
Cool salad greens
These cold-loving salad greens can be planted now for a healthy harvest.
Grow your own shiitake mushrooms
Kirsten Bradley explains how to produce your own supply of delicious shiitake mushrooms.
Pest and disease threats
Penny Woodward suggests two threats to your harvest to look out for in your garden now: citrus leafminer and powdery mildew.
Growing colourful capsicum
These beauties come in a vibrant array of shapes, colours and flavours and with careful nurturing can be an essential part of summer vegie patch, writes Helen McKerral.
Growing blackberries in abundance
Summer is time for fresh berries and Justin Russell tells us we can grow them in our backyards in abundance - a chance to ditch the plastic and have your own supply!
Elder trees
These trees have been associated with magic and witchcraft for a long time, explains Penny Woodward.
Lettuces all year round
Penny Woodward says that with the variety of lettuces available, you should never be without leaves to add to your salads all year round.
Tomato growing success
You can never have too many tomatoes in your harvesting basket! And with these tips from Helen McKerral you are sure to have plenty to share.
Get started with pineapples
Growing a pineapple can be as simple as twisting the top off an existing fruit and planting it.
Plant colourful summer zinnias
Looking for an easygoing plant that doesn’t mind the heat of summer and does equally well in sprawling gardens or containers on balconies? Zinnias are the answer.