Cabbage white butterfly

Denis Crawford looks at the scourge of brassica plants – cabbage white butterfly – and has some tips for dealing with them.

Control aphids and pear slugs

The fresh growth of spring is a time for pesky pests to be out and about. Here's what to do if you find aphids or cherry and pear slugs.

Cure for curly citrus

Wondering why your citrus leaves look so unhealthy? Discover what happens when citrus leafminer attacks your plants and natural solutions to protect your fruit trees.

Organic pest control: start here

Pests and diseases are to be expected, but one way to keep them at bay is to plant the right crops at the right time, writes Phil Dudman.

Beneficial insects in your garden

Denis Crawford is a big fan of beetles and says there are many hard at work in our gardens.

Protecting your plants from pests

Deploying a range of barriers and exclusion products will help protect your crops from marauding creatures.

How good bugs work in an organic garden

A well-balanced garden replicates a wild environment filled with beneficial insects that can help keep pests under control.

Pest and disease threats

Penny Woodward suggests two threats to your harvest to look out for in your garden now: citrus leafminer and powdery mildew.

Stop those snails and slugs!

Penny Woodward has a constant challenge keeping snail and slugs from chomping away at her vegies! Learn how she does it.

How to protect limes from pests

Limes look gorgeous in your garden and add a tasty tang to meals in your kitchen -- so you don't want pests getting to them before you do.

Snails begone!

Peas appear to be a favourite of snails and slugs in vegie patches, here's a simple solution that you can make yourself to keep them away.

White oil spray

Make your own white oil spray to use on sap sucking insects, mealy bug, aphids, two-spotted mite, citrus leaf miner, whitefly and scale.