Citrus gall wasp

PENNY WOODWARD explains the ins and outs of a citrus gall wasp’s lifecycle and what you can do to control them.

Pyrethroid pesticide warning

PENNY WOODWARD asks how safe are our ‘safe’ insecticides?

Pennyroyal and ants

Pennyroyal, says PENNY WOODWARD, helps to control ants and other pests.

Pear and cherry slug

Pear and cherry slug can be a problem for many types of fruit trees. Penny Woodward suggests how to take control if you find them in your garden.

Home-made pest remedies

Homemade White Oil Take an empty jar or plastic bottle, pour in a cup of ordinary cooking oil and ¼ cup of dishwashing liquid. Give it a good shake – you’ll see it turn white. That’s your white oil concentrate. Label the container with the correct dilution rate – ‘one tablespoon per litre of water’. […]

Into the wild

Gardeners can become ?xated on maximising productive space, but having a wild patch in the garden can bring many bene?ts, from pollination to pest control, writes JERRY COLEBY-WILLIAMS.

Beneficial insect-attracting plants

Here's a full list of beneficial insect-attracting plants grown by JERRY COLEBY-WILLIAMS at his home, ‘Bellis’ in Brisbane.

Stop the rot

JUSTIN RUSSELL gives the low down on the fungal disease brown rot, and suggests some simple control measures.

Protecting crops through exclusion

JUSTIN RUSSELL spends an afternoon using the exclusion technique to protect his fruit trees from marauding pests.

How to control tomato caterpillar

PHIL DUDMAN describes his latest organic strategy for controlling tomato caterpillar

Tips for Fruit Fly Season

Fancy growing organic fruit in an area infested with fruit fly? It is possible, and JUSTIN RUSSELL shows how it can be done.

How to control cabbage caterpillars organically – for good!

Cabbage caterpillars getting you down? Try netting your crop, says PHIL DUDMAN