Breaking up a Gastropod Party

Slugs and snails can wreak havoc in the vegie patch and are difficult to control organically. JUSTIN RUSSELL shares his succeses and failures.

Netting Works Wonders

JUSTIN RUSSELL writes in praise of exclusion netting after harvesting his best ever crop of capsicums.

How to manage summer weeds organically

While summer rains can bring on an explosion of weeds, it also offers a prime opportunity to nip them in the bud, says PHIL DUDMAN

Rules of attraction

SIMON WEBSTER investigates how to attract butterflies and their role in the garden.

How to control the 28 spotted leaf eating ladybird organically

They may look friendly, but this little ladybird could do irreversible damage to your organic crops in summer, and they’re out there in big numbers, so be on the lookout, says PHIL DUDMAN

Flower Power

As the caterpillar breeding season begins in earnest, fight them with flowers, writes JERRY COLEBY-WILLIAMS.

Nature Will Have Her Way

An elusive boobook owl reminds JUSTIN RUSSELL that pest control in the garden is often best left to the birds.

The Myth of Disease Resistance

Could a new super-rose that is totally resistant to blackspot be a good fit for organic gardeners. JUSTIN RUSSELL argues that there are other virtues to look for in plants beyond the obvious.

Broccoli harvest is a net gain

Simon Webster celebrates a win over the caterpillars.

On the snail trail

PENNY WOODWARD goes to town on snails and slugs, testing a wide variety of methods for getting rid of these intriguing but troublesome pests.

How to control tomato caterpillars

PHIL DUDMAN explains how to control tomato caterpillars in an organic garden using eco friendly products.