Getting diligent about disease

Regular checks and clean ups are the key to keeping diseases at bay, especially during wet weather, writes PHIL DUDMAN

Organic Weed Control

PHIL DUDMAN shares somes tips for controlling weeds without using poisons.

Miracle Molasses

Molasses makes a handy addition to any gardener’s pest control kit. You can use it to manage chewing pests like caterpillars as well as root knot nematodes. PHIL DUDMAN describes how.
Snail Alert

Recent rains in many parts of the country have helped to unleash a stampede of snails. Phil Dudman looks at some simple organic controls to help protect your crops from these marauding invaders.

Caterpillar Alert!

Cabbages, broccoli, cauliflower and Asian greens are popular cool season crops that can all fall victims to hungry caterpillars. PHIL DUDMAN has some easy organic solutions.

Nematodes can be both nasty and nice

Learn about nematodes and the benefits and problems they can bring. Plus, two more multi-talented garden visitors.