Zucchini: one of the great vegie garden staples!

Zucchini: one of the great vegie garden staples!

Zucchini have many benefits, writes Penny Woodward, including some idiosyncratic relatives that are also worth growing.

Heirloom tomatoes

Tomatoes in pots

Karen Sutherland tells us how to grow tomatoes in pots.

Sweet corn plants

Succulent sweet corn

Put your water on to boil, says Penny Woodward, before picking your sweet corn.


The sweetest thing

  Penny Woodward asks why isn't stevia more widely grown and used?  

Heirloom tomatoes

Modern heirloom tomatoes

Penny Woodward talks about modern heirloom tomatoes for you to ponder

Easy Asian greens to grow and eat

Easy Asian greens to grow and eat

Asian greens are readily available at markets and your local supermarket these days, but did you know they’re equally at home in a vegie patch? Helen McKerral explores how to grow them in your own backyard.

Lovely leeks

Lovely leeks

Leeks are best planted in autumn and winter says Penny Woodward

There are more than 300 different garlic cultivars grown in Australia.

Garlic ain’t just garlic

Diversity in garlic cultivars will help cope with the effects of climate change, while new research bolsters garlic’s already strong health credentials, writes Penny Woodward.      

Green and black heirloom tomatoes

Great times for tomatoes

Penny Woodward introduces some unusual, and delicious, heirlooms to try. 

Elephant garlic

The elephant of garlics

It's much too late to plant garlic, explains Penny Woodward, but the perfect time for Elephant garlic.

Heirloom bean graphic

Which bean is that?

Want to know which heirloom bean is which? We reveal all here!

'Glass gem' heirloom corn

Corn fights back

Justin Russell introduces the world of heirloom corn, including eating, flour and popping cultivars.