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Hazelnut butter

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This tasty spread can also be made with almonds or other nuts, in which case you won’t need to remove the skins.


Preparation time – 10 minutes
Cooking time – 10 minutes

  • 3 cups whole hazelnuts
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ¾ cup neutral oil


Preheat oven to 180ºC. Spread hazelnuts on a baking tray and roast until they smell fragrant and the skins start to split (about 10 minutes). Cool 5 minutes, then rub in a clean tea towel to remove the skins (you don’t have to be too meticulous but do remove most of them as they will give the Hazelnut Butter a fibrous texture and can be quite bitter).

Place nuts in a food processor or blender and whizz to a rough crumb. Add salt, then add oil with the motor running until the mixture forms a smoothish, soft butter. Hazelnut Butter will keep for several months in a sealed jar in the fridge.

This recipe is from
The Free Range Cook, Simple Pleasures
by Annabel Langbein.

(available online from ABC Shops)

The recipe was featured in the
2013 ABC Organic Gardener Diary.

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