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Mad about Kale

Mad about Kale

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Ever since I saw Peter Cundall drinking boiled kale juice like an elixir of youth, I’ve been mad about growing and eating it myself, says PHIL DUDMAN.

In fact, Peter often says that organic kale is one of the things that keeps him so fit and healthy.

There’s no doubt about the ‘super food’ status of Kale. It’s high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

And it’s true what Peter says; you can feel it’s incredible health giving powers when you eat it, especially when it’s cooked fresh straight from the garden.

I like to grow the variety Cavalo Nero (Italian for black cabbage). I love the look of it in the garden, and I love the fact that you can continue harvesting from the one crop for many months.

My favourite way to enjoy kale is sautéed in extra virgin olive oil with red onion, fresh chilli and garlic. In fact, I often make it as a quick mid-week lunch when I crave something fresh with a chilli hit.

In the ‘OG Harvest’ feature in the latest issue of ABC Organic Gardener magazine, Fab Foodie Julie Ray has taken this yummy combo to even greater heights, combining it with a creamy organic goats cheese and seasonal broad beans on top of crunchy sourdough bread, for a traditional Italian bruschetta experience. Yum!

And if you’re looking for more ways to enjoy your kale along with other seasonal organic crops, then be sure to check out her Kale, Asparagus and Leek Tart served with Roasted Fennel and Beetroot Salad – also in the latest issue. It’s simply to die for!