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HMAA 2016 Magazine Laurel

More Accolades for ABC Organic Gardener

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Organic Gardener has won HMAA’s “Magazine Laurel” for 2016 and our website was a finalist at the recent HMAA Laurel Awards.

We are proud to announce that ABC Organic Gardener magazine has won HMAA “Magazine Laurel” (for the Nov/Dec 2015 issue) and our website was a Finalist at the recent 2016 HMAA Laurel Awards.

The Horticultural Media Association Australia (HMAA) is a national media body. It represents the Horticultural Media Associations incorporated in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland. These organisations provide forums through which people (including gardening writers & photographers) actively involved in the presentation of horticulture and gardening to industry and the general public can meet together to discuss common interests and issues.

The HMAA Laurel Awards recognise writers, photographers, educators, researchers, and broadcasters who have demonstrated exceptional creativity in communicating the benefits and joys of gardening to the community.

The 2016 Laurel Awards were completely revamped to reflect the changing media landscape.

In the words of the HMAA Organising Committee:

In the 21st century, it doesn’t matter whether your words exist on a piece of paper or a file in the cloud; it doesn’t matter whether you worked for a TV station or shot your own YouTube video on a phone. What matters is what you have to say and how you say it. We write, we talk and we present to entertain and educate people of all ages about the joys and benefits of gardening. This is our craft!

So, the 2016 HMAA Laurels were unashamedly craft based. The judging process, too, was under the spotlight, with the result that this year all judging was undertaken by media and horticultural professionals who are NOT members of HMAA.

Winners of the 2016 Laurels were announced at the Gala Dinner in Melbourne on Tuesday, March 15th.

In awarding the Magazine Laurel to Editor Steve Payne, the judges commented that:

Organic Gardener magazine has a contemporary style, and accessible content, with a great balance between text and images. Editor Steve Payne oversses a valuable publication, with engaging content for 21st century gardeners.”