ABC Organic Gardener Magazine latest issue magazine cover.
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Asparagus is a perennial vegetable that can produce an annual harvest for 20–30 years. Give it a bed to itself with room to spread.

Likes: Good drainage; a sunny position.
Dislikes: Competition from weeds.
When to plant/sow in zone:
How to start: Plant crowns (established plants 1–2 years old), or sow seeds which can take a year or two longer to produce your first crop. Space plants 40cm apart.
How to grow: Water deeply in dry times. Cut plants back to ground level in winter then cover soil surface with compost and mulch.
When to harvest: Shoots start appearing late winter; use a sharp knife to cut spears, just below the surface when 15–20cm long. Cease harvesting late spring to allow ferny plants to grow and store energy for next season.
Pests and diseases: Slugs and snails.

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