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Don’t worry about trying to grow avocado from seed. It is far more reliable to buy a grafted variety or two, suitable for your climate. Mature trees can be up to 10m high and 5m across, although dwarf forms are available.

Likes: Being planted in soil enriched with compost and a good layer of mulch during hot, dry periods.
Dislikes: Transplanting; extreme heat, too much or too little water. Young plants need protection from frosts.
When to plant/sow in zone:
How to start: Avocado varieties belong to either an A or B group, both are needed for good cross-pollination and fruit set, so plant one of each preferably no more than 5m apart. Also important to choose cold or warm tolerant varieties depending on your climate.
How to grow: Feed young trees every 6–8 weeks in spring and summer with well-rotted, high-nitrogen chicken based fertiliser or a good pelletised organic manure. Also protect from extremes of heat and cold for the first 2–3 years, before they develop ‘skirts’ of leaves to hang down and protect their delicate bark.
When to harvest: Fruit size is an indicator of readiness to harvest. Pick the largest fruits first as they are more likely to be mature. Fruit ripens off the tree.
Pests and diseases: Possums and rats; heavy, over wet soil may result in dieback from Phytopthora fungus.

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