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Grow cucumber vines vertically, on a frame or trellis, to minimise ground space while getting bumper returns.

Likes: Warm dry conditions, full sun and regular watering.
Dislikes: Cold temperatures, especially cold nights; too much shade and heavy, badly drained soils.
When to plant/sow in zone:
How to start: Plant directly into the soil if warm enough. If nights are still cold, sow into small individual pots. Plant seeds or seedlings in a sunny spot, into mounds of soil 30–50cm apart to ensure good spacing and drainage.
How to grow: Water 2–3 times a week during dry weather. Sprinkle a handful of sulphate of potash just after planting, or when seedlings first appear. Bees are needed for pollinating or hand pollinate using a soft, small paintbrush. Avoid watering the leaves to minimise fungal problems.
When to harvest: Harvest timing depends on the variety but usually when fruits are between 15–20cm long.
Pests and diseases: Aphids, thrips, mites and pumpkin beetles, downy and powdery mildew and other fungal diseases. Also bacterial diseases and viruses like cucumber mosaic virus.

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