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Growing lemon trees requires patience but once a tree is established you’ll be glad you made the effort.
5–6 hours of full sun; good drainage; protection from wind.
Dislikes: Wet feet due to poor drainage – it can kill them.
When to plant/sow in zone:
How to start:
Plant small tree in a mound of compost enriched soil to improve drainage.
How to grow:
Keep moist and maintain a 7cm layer of mulch to conserve moisture. Feed with organic fertiliser spring, summer and autumn. Remove all the fruit for the first year or two to allow a strong frame of branches to develop to support years of heavy cropping.
When to harvest:
As fruit change colour from green to yellow. A good twist and pull will free a lemon without damaging the tree, or snip them off with secateurs.
Suppliers: The Diggers Club Garden Express
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