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Select Your Climate

Pumpkins adore the sun but if you have a shady yard you can still grow a good harvest in a small space by growing vertically.

Likes: A sunny spot in your garden; warm soil.
Dislikes: Fruit doesn't like sitting on damp soil as can cause bottom to rot.
When to plant/sow in zone:
Sow Seed: Direct into soils; in cooler areas start seedlings in pots in a warm spot and plant out after risk of frost has passed.
How to plant: Create mounds or hills in the soil and plant 2 to 3 seedlings per mound. If starting in pots, plant seeds about 2cm deep.
When to harvest: Harvest when vines start to yellow and the stalk leading to each pumpkin has started to shrink. Leave at least 5cm of stalk to prevent rot.
Pests and diseases: Powdery mildew, rats and possums.