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There aren’t many vegies that can be planted pretty much all year round in most climates, but the radish is one.

Likes: Full sun to semi-shade.
Dislikes: Too much fertiliser, which can lead to more leaf growth than bulbs.
When to plant/sow in zone:
How to start:  Sow seeds into any reasonable garden soil or potting mix in full sun to semi-shade. Sow new seed every three weeks.
How to grow: Keep moist and thin to 5cm spacings once they have a few leaves. Plants can grow quite tall so may need to be staked to stop them from falling over.
When to harvest: When thinning leaves add to salads as a microgreen. Bulbs are ready when they are large enough to eat.
Pests and diseases:
Cabbage moth and cabbage white butterfly

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