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The most commonly grown is annual rocket (Eruca sativa), which grows easily from seed, and if allowed to go to seed will self-sow every year. You might also call this plant arugula.
Likes: Cooler temperatures and if protected will tolerate mild frost.
Dislikes: Overwatering.
When to plant/sow in zone:
How to start: Sow seed direct into well-drained fertile soil or raise seedlings in punnets. Sow 3mm deep, about 40cm apart. Plant seedlings in pockets amongst other plants to distract pest insects from your main crops.
How to grow: Water when soil is dry. If looking crowded, thin out seedlings when large enough.
When to harvest: Harvest as needed when leaves are large enough. Cut outer leaves at the base regularly to encourage growth.
Pests and diseases: Aphids; snails and slugs
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