new issue on salenow!


Select Your Climate

Plant at the right time. Tomato roots can’t grow in cold soil: plants will sulk and sicken, so check your microclimate.

Likes: Warm soil; a sprinkle of potash on surrounding soil to promote flowering
Dislikes: Frost or cold soil.
When to plant/sow in zone:
Sow Seed: Plant seed, into good quality seed raising mix, two into each cell or pot. Cover with a thin layer of the mix and water gently.
How to plant: Sow seed into punnets or small pots in a warm position inside or outside. Buy sturdy seedlings without yellowing or spots.
When to harvest: Before fully ripened but with a good blush of colour; finish ripening in kitchen.
Pests and diseases: Root knot nematodes; blossom end rot