ABC Organic Gardener Magazine latest issue magazine cover.
new issue on salenow!


Select Your Climate

There’s a wide range of organic tomatoes you can easily grow, in a garden bed or pots.

Likes: Warm soil; protection from wind.
Dislikes: Frost or cold soil.
When to plant/sow in zone:
How to start: Sow seed into premium seed raising mix. Grow seedlings in pots until soil is warm.
How to grow: Bury stem when planting seedlings to encourage more roots to form. Space plants 50cm apart. Install stakes or trellis to support vines. Water deeply and regularly.
When to harvest: Before fully ripened but with a good blush of colour; finish ripening in kitchen.

Wondering what to plant when?

Use our planner to create a planting calendar for your climate zone
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