Save seeds: radish and rocket
Taste the difference when you save the seeds of these two salad favourites.
Choose a radish with good characteristics to save seed from. As the plant matures, it will bolt, producing a long flower stalk followed by multiple seed pods, which are plump, bean-like structures with a pointy end. You will need to stake the plant to keep the seeds off the ground. Wait until seed pods are completely dry and brown. Pick off the pods and, depending on how many you harvest, you can either break the pods open with your hands allowing the seeds to fall into a bowl or place seeds in a bag and use a rolling pin to squash the pods open. There aren’t many seeds per pod. The small seed can then be emptied into a sieve that the seeds can fall through into another bowl, then winnow to remove ‘trash’. Store in a clean jar or small seed packet in a cool, dry, dark place. Label with plant name, date and location. Radish seeds are viable for 4 years.
Rocket or arugula
Easy seed to save. Choose the hardiest healthiest plants that have been the last of the batch to set flowers and seed. Rocket produces seed pods that look like tiny green beans. They are ready for harvest when they turn brown and dry – some may have already ‘popped’ and released their tiny round reddish-brown seed.
You will need a sieve and large bowl to collect seeds. Cut the stems and place in the sieve. Rub the seed pods between your hands and the seeds will easily fall out. Next, separate the chaff from the seed. Firstly, remove the larger pieces by hand. Then place the seeds in the bowl and tap the bowl until all the seeds are on the bottom, then winnow – the light chaff will fly away easily. You might need to do another sieve for final cleaning of the seeds.
Package, then label with date, variety and place harvested. Store in a dry, cool, dark space. Viable for 5 years