Bottles tomatoes all ready to be put aside for winter.
Preserving & fermented

Storing harvests for winter

Linda Cockburn writes about different ways to preserve your summer harvests, such as tomatoes, so you can keep on enjoying the results of all your hard work in winter.

Mushroom and potato tarts

Mushroom and potato tarts

Light the fire, snuggle in and enjoy some slow cooking with this yummy recipe by Valli Little from the ABC delicious. mini cookbook series Slow.

Hilling potatoes
Organic solutions

Hilling potatoes

Want to know the secret to getting maximum yeilds from your potato crop? JUSTIN RUSELL has the solution.

Broccoli and Potato Soup

Broccoli and Potato Soup

Broccoli can be anything but boring. Just ask PHIL DUDMAN and JULIE RAY who have found creative ways of turning this winter staple into a tasty treat that even the kids will love.

Go kumara go

Go kumara go

If you struggle to grow decent crop of spuds in the summer then why don’t you try sweet potato, says PHIL DUDMAN, and now is the time to get planting.

Miracle Molasses
Pests & diseases

Miracle Molasses

Molasses makes a handy addition to any gardener’s pest control kit. You can use it to manage chewing pests like caterpillars as well as root knot nematodes. PHIL DUDMAN describes how.